Sound Control For The Home

Providing Sound Control Solutions For Your Home

Serving Houston, TX & Surrounding Areas

Our soundproofing panel products are made to reduce noise coming in through your walls, floors, and ceilings, so you can relax in peace and quiet. You should expect significant improvements in the quality of the sound coming from your home entertainment system after installing the soundproof panels we provide. We have developed effective methods for lowering ambient noise levels that are based on years of experience in the field.

Soundproofing your walls

It is important to note that unless the walls in your home are treated properly for sound transmission, it will be easy for unwanted sound to bleed through the walls. It is a necessary step for you to take in order to help reduce the unwanted sound and implement the proper steps to isolate a particular room from the others. Especially for any finished walls, new build or if there are any remodeling projects in progress

Keep the upstairs ceiling from making noise downstairs.

Tired of the noise that travels from upstairs to below without your permission? Not sure what to do to fix the problem? Don't worry. Our years of experience, we will be able to offer you a solution that will lessen the unwelcomed noise and give you back your peace of mind.

Control Unwanted Noise In & Around Your Home

There can be many sources of unwanted noise sound in a residential home that can contribute to a clutter of sound. Many of these sounds can be coming from an air conditioning unit, drain pipe, pool pumps, furnaces and kids having fun. Let's create a plan to reduce and manage unwanted noise and improve the comfort of living in your home.

For a FREE estimate, give our team a call today at 832-547-8455!

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